Cover letters have to be extremely specific to the job you are applying for, whether it be Alt-Ac or Out-Ac. There are many different ways to craft these letters. We created a standard form letter, and after a lot of research, customized each one for the job. It is important to save every cover letter you write in a folder. This is for two reasons:
1. You are going to be applying for a lot of jobs. Saving the cover letter functions as a record of everything you've applied for.
2. When they call you, saving the cover letter gives you a script to work from. This includes where the job is, how your skills specifically match the job, and what you can specifically offer the position.
As tempting as it is just to churn out a thousand cover letters that are specifically the same, you should approach the Out or Alt Ac job search the same way you would the academic market. They want a lot less material for an application, but you should still take it just as seriously. Really think about your skills, how to translate them into corporate experience, and how you best want to utilize them. Figure out if this is a company you really want to work for. Try to research the corporate culture to see if you can work within it.
We are attaching examples of cover letters we have sent out. Keep in mind, we applied for A LOT of jobs. A Lot. A demoralizing amount of jobs. So this should feel familiar from the academic job market. Remember, just because you have an advanced degree, it doesn't mean that job offers are going to come pouring in automatically. We hope our example letters can serve as a starting point for your own.
Also, see Dr. Boson's blog for some tips on how to craft a cover letter.
1. You are going to be applying for a lot of jobs. Saving the cover letter functions as a record of everything you've applied for.
2. When they call you, saving the cover letter gives you a script to work from. This includes where the job is, how your skills specifically match the job, and what you can specifically offer the position.
As tempting as it is just to churn out a thousand cover letters that are specifically the same, you should approach the Out or Alt Ac job search the same way you would the academic market. They want a lot less material for an application, but you should still take it just as seriously. Really think about your skills, how to translate them into corporate experience, and how you best want to utilize them. Figure out if this is a company you really want to work for. Try to research the corporate culture to see if you can work within it.
We are attaching examples of cover letters we have sent out. Keep in mind, we applied for A LOT of jobs. A Lot. A demoralizing amount of jobs. So this should feel familiar from the academic job market. Remember, just because you have an advanced degree, it doesn't mean that job offers are going to come pouring in automatically. We hope our example letters can serve as a starting point for your own.
Also, see Dr. Boson's blog for some tips on how to craft a cover letter.